Domestic Violence Myths

If you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse, please seek help immediately by calling law enforcement or a local shelter. Oftentimes, there is a stigma associated with domestic violence, and unfortunately, several myths surround this type of behavior which is illegal and in some cases a criminal act. The following are the most common domestic violence myths.
MYTH: Domestic violence is a family issue.
FACT: Domestic violence is not a marital spat or disagreement. Domestic violence is not just some “dirty laundry” that a spouse is uncomfortable sharing. At the end of the day, domestic violence is an illegal act that often rises to the level of criminal activity. Domestic violence can be either physical or emotional, and while most people never want to get involved in someone’s personal life, if you believe that someone is being abused either physically or emotionally, you should always contact law enforcement. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
MYTH: Victims are to blame.
FACT: While some people may not feel this strongly, there is often a sense of blame placed on victims. Some people may think that a victim provoked their attacker or they simply are confrontational in nature and bear part of the blame for their situation. It is imperative to state that a victim is never, ever to blame for the abuse they receive either physically or emotionally.
MYTH: Domestic violence would never happen here.
FACT: No one wants to believe that domestic violence could happen in their family or their community. Statistics show that domestic abuse occurs in people of all religions, age groups, education levels, or income brackets. Being in a state of denial that domestic violence or abuse could happen near you or around you could make you blind to the danger someone is actually in.
MYTH: The victim needs to simply leave.
FACT: Most people think that a victim of domestic abuse or violence should just leave, and it is as simple as that. However, in many cases, victims of domestic violence are afraid for their lives, and with good reason. Many violent abusers that threaten to kill their victims actually succeed. Victims are terrified for themselves, their families and oftentimes their children. Domestic violence is emotional and manipulative, and victims often have suffered for years through abuse and violence. Leaving is simply not an option for many of them without help.
Let Us Help You Today
If you are suffering as a victim of domestic violence or abuse, please find a way to get help as soon as possible, and get yourself and your children to safety. Your life and health are the most important. There are many domestic violence and domestic abuse myths that are prevalent in our culture, but understand that domestic violence is an illegal act and a crime. If you are considering a divorce, contact the Las Vegas divorce attorneys at Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices. Visit with one of our compassionate attorneys at 410-535-5500 today for your free consultation.