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Dating Considerations For Divorcees With Kids


After your divorce, you may feel that it is time to date again. While this is perfectly normal, if you have children, you may want to think carefully about several things before you make the decision to date again and how to present this to your children. Your children may still expect that you and your former spouse will reunite, due to the fact that they may not understand how final a divorce is. In other cases, children become frustrated that their parent is spending time dating instead of spending time with them. they may have expectations that you and your former spouse may reunite and get remarried. However, most people begin dating after a divorce, and there are ways to ensure that your children feel comfortable with the idea. Knowing that there are special considerations for parents reentering the dating scene can help ensure that your children’s emotional needs are met.


Children are understandably selfish when it comes to the time they spend with their parents. If you are considering dating again after a divorce, have an age-appropriate discussion with your children. Always let them know that they will be your first priority no matter what. Also, explain that they have time away from you where they get to play with their friends, and this is the time that you have to find new friends as well. Never become defensive or angry, always acknowledge their feelings and constantly reassure them that they will be first in your life always.

Be Cautious With Introductions

Before dating you should consider what your boundaries are regarding introducing people to your children. Most psychologists and therapists agree that having a revolving door of new people can cause anxiety in children as they can become attached to people very easily. Most experts agree that you should be sure that your boyfriend or girlfriend is serious and you plan to spend the rest of your life with them before introducing them to your children. Children take break-ups quite hard and do not understand the process as well as adults.


Children are always watching what you do and not what you say. If you have your significant other sleep over at your home, your children may begin to feel territorial and become confused, angry and threatened. Their home is their safe place and feels that their parent and their home is being taken over by a stranger. Take some time to seriously consider if you want to have someone spend the night while you still have children at home.

Be Honest With Your Date

Always let those you date know from the beginning that you have children that are a priority in your life. Begin every relationship with honesty and on the right foot. Your children are likely your priority, so make sure you indicate that at the beginning to those you date.

Let Us Help You Today

If you are in the process of a divorce or need help with modifying child custody or child support arrangement, contact the Las Vegas divorce attorneys at Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices. We can answer all of your family law questions. Visit with one of our attorneys at 410-535-5500 today for your free consultation.




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