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Las Vegas Divorce Attorney > Las Vegas Fathers Rights Attorney

Las Vegas Fathers Rights Attorney

Parenting conflicts are very difficult for the whole family. When a dispute arises about child custody, visitation, or child support, fathers often think the courts will automatically decide against them. Fortunately, this is not the case. All parents have certain rights in Las Vegas, and the courts are very serious about making sure all of them are upheld. If you have a custody or paternity dispute, our Las Vegas fathers rights attorney can provide the sound legal representation you need to make sure your best interests are protected.

What Rights Do Fathers Have in Las Vegas?

Fathers have many rights in Las Vegas, and throughout Nevada. These include the right to:

  • A court order outlining specific parenting time with the minor child,
  • Primary custody, if it is in the child’s best interests,
  • Not face gender biases or presumptions,
  • Access information about the child’s education, such as school records,
  • Attend the child’s extracurricular activities and events involving the child,
  • Participate in making medical decisions for the child,
  • Enforcement of custody orders,
  • Child support, if granted primary custody,
  • Develop and maintain a close relationship with the child without the other parent interfering

Do Courts Always Decide in Favor of the Mother?

It is a misconception that courts favor mothers in custody disputes. At one time, it was very common for mothers to stay home to raise the children and maintain the home. This often resulted in children spending more time with their mothers than their fathers, regardless of how close either relationship was. Due to the fact that decades ago mothers were considered the primary caregiver, they were often awarded custody.

Today, this is no longer the case. In many marriages both spouses work. It is also not uncommon for men to stay home and raise the children. While the courts today will still consider the amount of time each parent spent with the child during the marriage, the courts do not automatically favor mothers.

Enforcing Orders

The custody rights of a father are not dependent on the mother’s consent. Even when a child’s mother is unwilling to allow contact between you and your child, you can take the matter to court to enforce custody orders. If the mother refuses to comply with a custody order, she will face serious consequences, including being held in contempt of court.

Violations of a custody order can also result in changes to a parenting time schedule. For example, if the mother has primary custody but refuses you visitation, enforcing the order could result in you being awarded primary custody.

Our Fathers Rights Attorney in Las Vegas Can Make Sure Yours are Protected

As a father in Nevada, it is important to know that you have just as many legal rights as the mother, and perhaps even more. At Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices, our Las Vegas fathers rights attorney can inform you of what these are and make sure they are upheld so you have the best chance of a successful outcome. Call or text us now at 702-878-1115 or chat with us online to request a consultation.

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