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Las Vegas Divorce Attorney > Las Vegas Contested Divorce Attorney

Las Vegas Contested Divorce Attorney

Ending a marriage is never easy. While all divorce cases will cause stress and emotional upset for the couple, contested divorces take a real emotional toll on the entire family. If you and your spouse are about to go through a contested divorce, you need strong legal representation. Our Las Vegas contested divorce attorney can provide it and help ensure that you receive the full and fair settlement you are entitled to.

What is a Contested Divorce?

A contested divorce is one in which the two spouses cannot reach an agreement on certain issues. The terms of a divorce can include property division, child custody and support, and alimony. Many times, couples can resolve these disputes through negotiation, mediation, or the collaborative law process. In many cases, unfortunately, contested divorces must enter litigation, which means going to a divorce trial. In these instances, couples give up the right to resolve the terms on their own and only a judge will make all final decisions.

Grounds for Contested Divorces

Nevada is a no-fault divorce state. This means that neither party has to accuse their spouse of being to blame for the end of the marriage. While other states have specific grounds of fault, such as cruelty or adultery, Nevada does not. The party filing for divorce must only state that they and their spouse are no longer compatible and that the marriage cannot be repaired. This helps some people avoid litigation and proceed with an uncontested divorce, but when one or both spouses cannot agree on certain terms, the case becomes contested.

Terms in a Contested Divorce

There are many common issues that arise in contested divorce cases. These can include:

  • Child custody: Generally speaking, the family courts in Nevada prefer that children spend as much time as possible with each parent after a divorce, as this is considered to be in the best interests of the child. This is not always possible, though, or one parent may file for sole custody, which can result in a case becoming contested.
  • Child support: All parents are expected to financially support their children, even after a divorce. When a marriage ends, this typically means one parent is required to pay child support to the other. Judges must follow certain guidelines when calculating the amount of child support, but they also have the discretion to deviate from these guidelines.
  • Property division: Nevada is a community property state, which means that all marital property is considered community property, with each party having an equal right to it. Typically, this means marital property is divided 50/50, but that is not always the case.
  • Alimony: Perhaps the divorce term that is litigated most often, and most contentiously, in Las Vegas is alimony. Alimony is paid by one party to the other after divorce in order to allow a lower-earning spouse to support themselves and enjoy the same standard of living they had during the marriage.

Call Our Contested Divorce Attorney in Las Vegas for Legal Help

Contested divorce cases are some of the most difficult. If you and your spouse cannot agree on the different terms, our Las Vegas contested divorce attorney at Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices can help. Our seasoned attorney will negotiate with your spouse to obtain the settlement you deserve and has the experience to represent you in court, if necessary. Call or text us now at 702-878-1115 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more.

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