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Las Vegas Divorce Attorney > Las Vegas Dissolution of Marriage Attorney

Las Vegas Dissolution of Marriage Attorney

In Nevada, divorce is legally known as the dissolution of marriage. The process is rarely cut and dry, as it is one of the most complex and emotional areas of law. Often, couples who file for divorce become overwhelmed by the process while still trying to balance the daily responsibilities they face, such as work and their children. When dissolving a marriage, many people think they will be stuck in a long courtroom battle. Fortunately, there are many ways to dissolve your marriage in Las Vegas, and throughout Nevada. Below, our Las Vegas dissolution of marriage attorney explains more.

Nevada is a No-Fault State

Unlike in some other states, Nevada is a no-fault state. This means that to dissolve your marriage, you must only state that you and your spouse are incompatible and that you cannot reconcile. You do not have to accuse your spouse for the marriage ending, nor do you have to prove any allegations. Your spouse also does not have to agree to the dissolution of the marriage.

Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce in Las Vegas

One of the biggest decisions you will make when legally dissolving your marriage is whether to obtain an uncontested or contested divorce. If you and your spouse can agree to all the different terms of the divorce, you can obtain an uncontested divorce. With this type of divorce, you and your spouse must agree to all the different terms. These include property division, alimony, child custody, and child support.

If you and your spouse disagree on even one term of the divorce, it becomes contested. During a contested divorce, you and your spouse must resolve certain issues through either negotiation, mediation, or collaborative law. If these methods are unsuccessful, you will have to enter litigation and possibly face a divorce trial. Litigation is the costliest way to get a divorce, and it also takes much longer.

How to Dissolve Your Marriage in Las Vegas

Dissolving a marriage in Las Vegas is a complex legal process. The first step is for you or your spouse to file a complaint with the court. The complaint should name both parties, as well as any children of the marriage. Once the complaint is filed, there are several other steps that will take place. These include:

  • The paperwork is served to the other spouse
  • Evidence of residency is submitted
  • Financial disclosures are filed
  • A settlement agreement is drafted if you and your spouse can agree
  • Mediation or settlement conferences are scheduled, if you and your spouse cannot agree
  • If alternative dispute resolution methods are unsuccessful, a divorce trial may be scheduled

Our Dissolution of Marriage Attorney in Las Vegas Can Help You Through the Process

While there is a legal process when dissolving a marriage, it is never one that is easy to go through. At Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices, our Las Vegas dissolution of marriage attorney can help you navigate the process, negotiate with the other side, and help you obtain the fair settlement you are entitled to. Call or text us now at 702-878-1115 or chat with us online to request a consultation and to get the legal help you need.

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